Friday, 29 October 2021

Professional Help for Stress Management

 Use the link to read the content on professional help in managing stress.

After reading the content use the comment section to state the importance of seeking professional help in managing stress. You are to give a detailed response. State your name at the beginning of your post. 

If your post needs more details you will be notified by your instrcutor. 

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Stress Prevention Blog

 Instructions: Use the comment section below to add three ways of preventing stress. You are to fully explain each strategy suggested. State your name at the beginning of your comment. 

Monday, 5 July 2021

Manage Stress Practical – Discussion


Manage Stress Practical – Discussion


Each Early Childhood Institution (ECI) should employ a trained psychologist/counsellor to handle all matters relating to stress at the workplace. Staff stress management should not be the responsibility of the teacher and caregivers.  


Examine the statement above and state whether you agree or disagree with this position. You must provide a detailed reasoning for your answer. You are to read posts made by your colleagues and write a response to at least two (2) of them.

You will be graded based on each criterion in the rubric below. Use the Comment section to state your views and use reply to respone to your colleagues. 






Relevance  of Post

Posts topics  related to  discussion topic; prompts further discussion of topic

Posts topics that are related to discussion content

Posts topics which do not relate to the discussion content; makes short or irrelevant remarks

No posting

Quality of  Post

Appropriate comments: thoughtful, reflective, and respectful of other’s postings.

Appropriate comments and responds respectfully to other's postings

Responds, but with minimum effort. (e.g. "I agree with Bill")

No posting

Contribution  to the  Learning Community

Aware of needs of community; attempts to  motivate the group discussion; presents creative approaches to topic

Attempts to  motivate the  group  discussion;  presents  creative  approaches to  topic

Does not  make effort to  participate in  learning  community as  it develops

No feedback provided to fellow student.

Total marks

/30 marks

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Guided Learning and Creative Activity Lesson Plan

 Guided Learning/Numeracy (small group)

Date: June , 2021

Theme: Plants

Sub-theme: Parts of a plant

Duration: 25 minutes

Age: 4 year olds

Objectives:  At the end of the lesson students should be abel to:

  • Count out 3 objects 
  • math numeral three to three objects 
  • locate three objects 
  • use playdough to make models of three things
  • take turns using work materials
  • Work together to complete a task
Materials: Variery of leaves, playdough, 

Developmental steps:
1. Present a variety of leaves on the table and invite the children to observe them
2. Encourage the children to count to three and count out three leaves
3. Remind the children to wait their turn to count out the leaves
4. Present a group of two, three and four leaves and invite the children to locate the group that has three 
objects in it. 
5. Present playdough to the children and allow them to make models of any three parts of the plant. 

Independent Actiivty 1: Provide children with a set of building blocks and encourage them to use a set of three blocks to make tree trucks collaboratively

Independent Activity 2: Provide the children with numeral 1-3 cutouts and mini baskets. Allow them to place all the numeral 3 cut-outs in the basket collaboratively. 

Creative Activity 

Duration: 25 minutes

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to: 

  • colour within given spaces (psychomotor)
  • identify specific colours (cognitive)
  • persevere on a task (affective)
Materials: crayons, colouring pages, 

Developmental Steps: 

  1. Present a variety of coloured crayons to the children and invite them to take out the green and orange crayons. 
  2. Give children the prepared colouring pages and encourage them to name items on the colouring page to be coloured. 
  3. Invite children use the orange and green crayons to colour the carrots on their colouring page. 
  4. Encourage children to persever on the task even if it seems challenging. 

Monday, 31 May 2021

Children's Creative Expression

 This post is made to accommodate you if you joined class late and missed out on the scheduled activities for Monday May 31, 2021

Complete reading task for lessons 1-3 and here are questions to be answered. Please respond using private comments in your online class. 

1.What are 5 visual arts experiences that children can  engage in?

2. Highlight 1 strategy for fostering creative development and aesthetic awareness in children.

3. Outline one way by which you can create an interesting area for children

4. Why is it important to have an organized area for visual arts experiences?

5. What are atheistic qualities?

6. What is meant by the term human resources?

 7. How can human resources be demonstrated in arts?


1.Outline 1 opportunity that you can provide to allow children to practice developing skills in visual arts, drama, music or movement.

2. What can a caregiver do (strategy) to encourage children to develop individual potential in creative arts, drama, music and movement?

3. How can a caregiver prepare the dramatic centre for a group of 4 year olds so that it is developmentally appropriate? In your response please add the materials or items will be added?

4. Why should teachers be knowledgeable about children’s interests before starting an activity?



1.      What are some factors that may contribute to children’s rate of development?

2.      Why is it important to provide adequate materials for children?

3.      Fill in the blank: A productive teacher is _______  _______ and trying new __________ to include all children.  (always learning, approaches)

4.      Name 3 work surfaces that can be used for art.

5.      What are 3 concepts that can be taught to children through drama?

6.      List 3 genres of music that can be introduced to children.

7.      Fill in the blank: Providing children with opportunities to express themselves will build their ________ and ________ (self-esteem and self-concept)

Friday, 14 May 2021

Revision Task

 Friday May 14, 2021

Complete the brief revision exercise. Use the comment section below to respond. Add your name before each comment. Record items and your responses in your notebook for future reference. 

1.List the label words that can be used to describe the following in a sensory experience.

a. Music Activities

b. Texture Activities

c. Tasting Activities

2. Outline what pictures you will need on a chart to teach children about their five senses


3. Why are the pictures you selected in item 2 appropriate? 

Monday, 10 May 2021

Stress Management Case Study

Read the case study below state why the responses given are correct or  incorrect . You are to reply to one of your colleagues' post stating whether you agree or not and why. 
 Add your name to your comment. 

Monday May 10, 2021

Bryan is on an academic scholarship that requires him to maintain a certain grade point average. He’s had a rough term and needs to do well on his finals to pull the grades that will keep him on scholarship. Bryan is often tense regardless of exam schedules, but when he found out he would have three finals on the same day, he had a meltdown. First, he was angry that his schedule turned out this way, and he complained bitterly about it to anyone who would listen. Then he got into an argument with his roommate, who was listening to music while Bryan was trying to study.

The night before his exams, Bryan studied at the library all night. He skipped breakfast the next morning because he wanted get to the classroom early. The teacher passed out the test and Bryan began to read it. He felt absolute panic. All the typing on the page was running together, his vision was blurred, and he couldn’t remember anything. The longer he sat there, the worse it got.

Finally, he decided to guess on the questions and get out of the room as fast as he could. He was so upset that he skipped his next two finals as well. He spent the rest of the day hiding out in his bed, wondering what he was going to do and how he was going to tell his mother he flunked out of school.


1.     1.  Explain two things that Bryan could have done to handle this situation better. 

SaSarah: Bryan should have made time to study by using a to do list or an action plan. He also should have rested well the night before and eaten his breakfast. 

2.      2. What was the cause of tension between Bryan and his roommate? 

Russell: The tension was caused from his frustration of not studing and so the least of things annoyed Bryan. 

3.      3. Should Bryan approach his teachers about what happened with his final exams? Outline two (2) ways that would be appropriate for him to do this. 

         Ben: Brayn inform his teachers in writing and arrange to speak with them face to face. He should explain what happened to and ask for help with managing his time and stress better. 

Monday May 10, 2021

 Monday May 10, 2021

Task 1. FLYER 

A child in your class is diagnosed with total blindness. The parents see it fit to enroll their child into a segregated community for children with liked condition because your ECI is not equipped to educate and care for children with blindness. The parents would like information on a school that can cater to their child’s needs with the appropriately trained staff.

Create a flyer informing the parents about an appropriate segregated community/school that can help their child. Be sure to add an address and other contact details.

Please be guided by the rubric below. All criteria must be included in your flyer. 

Task 2. Revision Game Link will be added after task 1 is completed. (Create an account. This will be required)

Task 3. Worksheet. Link will be added after task 2 is completed. 

Task 4. Register: Link will be posted by your instructor. 

Friday, 7 May 2021


 Friday May 7, 2021

Read the content below and respond to the questions asked in the comment section. 


As a part of the team that caters to the needs of exceptional children, it may also be useful for you to collaborate with the community service provider to identify which services are needed. Some of the key areas in community service may include:
Public education
Community development
Community access
Family support In order to carry out these functions efficiently, they may require the services of the specialists discussed in Element 1 such as doctors, nurses, special educators, child psychologists, therapists and social workers. In addition, they may also require the services of a public relations or communications specialist to deal with the issues of public education and community access and ensuring that the necessary information resources are available. These specialists could also help to ensure better communication between the different service providers. Social workers will play a critical role in community development and family support. It is important that all members of the special education team and other members who provide related services work closely together so that exceptional children can develop to their full potential.


Raising a child with special needs places many demands on parents and the family. The demands on parents vary according to the nature of the disability. Many parents of children with special needs say the experience has enriched their lives in many ways. However, most parents with special-needs children face additional challenges to those faced by parents raising children without special needs. These include:
Day-to-Day Care - Children with disabilities may require more physical care and for a longer period. Parents must take on multiple roles of therapist, teacher, playmate, and advocate. They may also struggle with behaviour problems, greater susceptibility to illness, sleep disorders, and medical emergencies. The result can be physical and emotional exhaustion for the parent(s). It can also strain relationships with spouses and other family members. The additional cost of raising a child with a disability can cause financial strain. The needs of the child may force one parent to quit his/her job or seek part-time and/or less demanding work. Single parents face even greater challenges.

Services - Parents often have to work hard to find, access, and sustain services for their children. Most parents spend many hours both on the phone and taking their children to appointments. They may face long waiting lists, or depending on where they live, having to travel long distances. Some needed services may not be available.

Childcare - Accessible, affordable childcare is an issue for many families with young children. It is usually an even larger issue for parents of children with special needs. Although some childcare centres will do everything they can to accommodate children with disabilities, others will refuse them. While the issue of childcare disappears for most children as they get older, it remains a key issue for children with disabilities over 12 who still need care.

Education - Parents of children with disabilities cannot take for granted that their children will be educated at their local school and many will have to fight for this if this is what they want. Despite the fact that there is greater acceptance of the idea of inclusion, there are not always the supports in place, or teacher willingness and ability, to make it work. The family needs support and understanding in finding the right help for their child. You can assist by identifying the various places where parents may get the desired assistance. 

These include:
Family members (husband or wife, parents, in-laws, sisters and brothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, legal guardians, or caregivers)
Friends, neighbours, or church members
Social workers and others who work with families
Doctors, nurses, and other health and mental health professionals
Support groups
Parents of other children with special needs

You should find out if there is a group in the community that provides support to parents of children with special needs. In some of these groups, an experienced parent is matched in a 1 to 1 relationship with a parent who has just found out his or her child has a disability. The match is usually based on a similar disability or special concern of the new parent. The experienced parent shares real-life stories of raising a child with special needs (using everyday language) and gives the kind of support that only another parent who has been there can. You should also find out if there are parent networks that provide information, training and assistance with accessing the community service. This information should be obtained from organizations that focus on children with special needs, schools, social workers and other community service providers.

Brothers and sisters of children with special needs also need support. They may participate in activities designed for family support groups or they may participate in groups organized especially for siblings. These support groups are a good way for children to talk and share information about special needs. You can provide further assistance to parents by:
Being sensitive to their feelings and the challenges they face. Try not to add to their stress
Making sure families have information about other services, financial support (e.g. respite care)
Remembering that you may have the expertise, but only the parents know what it is like to live with their children
Remembering that parents have many appointments to attend, and often must co-ordinate them with work schedules. Be as flexible as possible. Try not to keep parents waiting
Not overwhelming parents with unpleasant news. Emphasize the strengths of the children.
Giving parents credit for successes. Acknowledge their efforts
Helping parents to find resources and support that fit with their particular family needs
Providing them with information about their rights as parents 

Having families involved in the education of their exceptional children is a positive experience for all. The parents can reinforce learning and skills taught in the classroom, and parents and teachers can work together to solve problems that may arise. You should try to facilitate the needs of these families in whatever way you can.